Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Types of Education

Education in its all-inclusive form moves beyond what needs places within the four walls of the class.
A kid gets education from his experiences outside the school as well as from those within on the basis of these factors. So, there are three types of education mainly, namely, (A) Formal, (B) Non-formal and (C) Informal. Each of these types is briefly described below.

Types of Education

(A) Formal Education

(i) Prepared with a particular end in view.
(ii) Limited by a specific period.
(iii) Well-defined and organized curriculum
(iv) Distributed by specially qualified instructors.
(v) Includes activities beyond your classroom
(vi) Observes stringent discipline.
(i) Designed with a particular end in view

Formal education is planned with a specific end in view. It is given in university, school and similar other establishments which are set up with the purpose. In this manner it is immediate schooling, tuition and instruction.

(ii) Limited to a particular period
Formal education is limited to a specific level or period. It really is provided corresponding to certain placed legislation and rule. It is by means of systematic, guided and planned instruction.

(iii) Well-defined and organized curriculum
Forma education has a systematic and well-defined curriculum. This curriculum is dependant on certain aims and objectives. These aims are in conformity with the needs of the society and the state-.

(iv) Given by specially experienced teachers
Formal education distributed by specially certified educators they may be supposed to be successful in the creative artwork of training.

(v) Includes activities outside the class-room
In modern progressive schools, the process of education is not limited the four wall surfaces of the class-room merely. You will find more activities outside the class-room than inside it.

(vi) Observes rigorous discipline
Formal education observes tight discipline. The pupil and the instructor are both aware of the fact an engage themselves along the way of education.
It might, however, be brought up that any procedure for teaching which involves supervision, instruction, place plan, distinct concepts and seeks volumes to formal education.

(B) Informal Education

(i) Incidental and spontaneous
(ii) Not-pre-planned.
(iii) Not imparted by any specialised company.
(iv) No prescribed time-table or curriculum.
(v) Could be negative also

(i) Incidental and spontaneous
Informal education is situations and spontaneous. There is absolutely no conscious effort involved with it. Courtesies gentleness, etc. learnt in market place or in a hotel or in one's resting room total informal education.

(ii) Not-pre-planned nor deliberate
Casual education can be an educative activity which is neither deliberate nor pre-planned. The youngster learns many habits, manners and patterns while living with others or moving in several spheres like home, society, groups etc.

(iii) Not imparted by any specialised agency
Unlike formal education, informal education is not imparted by any specialised agency such as college or university or school.

(iv) No prescribed time-table or curriculum
Casual education is not given corresponding to any set time-table or through formal method of education. There is absolutely no place curriculum required. Informal education consists in activities and actual surviving in the grouped family or community.

(v) Could be negative education also
Casual education could also try negative direction. Instances aren't rare when one learns stealing, or some other forms of misbehaviour from the activities which the young child may casually have in the street, on the market, in the cinema hall or in some other such place.

In the words of an expert, Informal Education is "the process, by which a person imbibes behaviour, advances skills, cultivates values and acquires knowledge, without there being any system or company about it. This would include the deliberate attempts of parents and elders in the family and community to help the kids grow and adapt themselves to the environment. Casual Education would also include all incidental learning that occurs while at the job or at play and during travels-as well as spontaneous learning through videos, radio and television."

(C) Non-Formal Education

Non-formal education is one of the recent concepts getting into use. Indian involvement in non-formal education has increased consequently of our interest to make education a life-long affair rather than a matter of formal schooling.

(i) Produced from the appearance 'formal education.
(ii) Beyond your realm of formal education.
(iii) Conscious and deliberate.
(iv) For being organised for a homogeneous group.
(v) Serving the need of the determined group.

(i) Derived from the appearance 'formal education
The manifestation 'non-formal' in non-formal education has been are based on the manifestation 'formal' in formal education utilizing the pre-fix non-

(ii) Beyond your realm of formal Education
Unlike inform education which is unstructured, spontaneous and without formality non-formal education would be planned and set up, but outside world of formal education. "Any organised, systematic education activity, taken outside the framework of the set up formal system whether functioning separately or as an important feature of some extensive activity, that is intended to provide identifiable learning clienteles ai learning objectives."

(iii) Conscious and deliberate
Non-formal education consciously and organised and systematically integrated.

(iv) For being organised for a homogeneous group
Non-formal education should be organised for a homogeneous group. Such a grot should be recognized in terms of the learning needs of the combined group member

Types of Education

(v) Serving the necessity of the identified group
Non-form, education should be designed to provide the needs of the identify group. This will necessitate overall flexibility in design of the curriculum and the plan of evaluation.


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